Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Kids on the Block

Gregory Porter in Central Park

A fun, summer night with great people and beautiful music.

Teri came to visit!

Of course we went to all the japanese stores...

I really like that the 9/11 Memorial is an absence of space, instead of a building or structure made to fill the absence created by the destruction of the towers. The seemingly endless pit with water continually rushing into it stands out more than ever in the financial district of lower Manhattan, where most of the surrounding structures are skyscrapers. 9/11 created a void, a deep wound in our country and in this city, and I appreciate that nobody tried to fill it. It's a solemn reminder of everything and everybody that was lost.

Yankee Stadium

Ichiro is up to bat :'(

Lisa, Trish, Me, & Marni

Movin' to tha Heights

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not a joke:

My roommates and I moved to our new apartment in a 26' foot truck:

We rented a 12-footer, but the company overbooked and this is all they had.

We picked it up in Brooklyn, went to IKEA, bought furniture, picked up T&M's beds from craigslist people's houses, got stuck in traffic in Chinatown, loaded up our stuff from the old apartment, and eventually landed in our new hood.

We got a lot of looks and laughs. It was one of the most hilarious experiences of my life. 

Trish, fully-equipped in her trucker shirt, did all the driving, and she drove this 26-footer like a BOSS. She got really into it, yelling "Apartense!"--that's Spanish for "Outta my way, fool!" and honking at everyone. It was fantastic. My respect for her multiplied exponentially from this experience. Meanwhile, I was constantly saying silent prayers the entire time and gripping onto my seat, white-knuckled, while Marni was as carefree as ever, sipping cold drinks and generally enjoying herself.

Picking up our stuff from the old Hell's Kitchen apartment

We didn't roll into our new hood until darkness was already falling and a neighborhood block party was just getting under way. Unawares, we rolled in blasting Justin Timberlake right in the midst of a whole bunch of chillin' and grillin'. Welcome to the neighborhood. Trish had to parallel park the 26-foot truck on our tiny block so we could unload. There is nothing this woman can't do. That was our first introduction to our new hood, and little did we know, we had, and still have, a LOT to learn. But we love our apartment and there's a peaceful spirit inside.


The sweet dog I used to watch:

The Mackays Came to Visit

Finger Injury

A nice doctor who was a mutual friend of Trish's came over to our apartment and stitched it up for me. What a lifesaver.

Meet the Mormons in Times Square 

Jeff Koons Exhibit at The Whitney

Andy Warhol


Meeting the Imam

He was such a humble, great man. It was an honor to meet him and learn from him.

"The Haunting"

Not long before Halloween, a group of us went and watched the original "The Haunting" in an old movie theater in New Jersey. It was super creepy, complete with live organ prelude music. Loved it!


Banksy & Shepard Fairey

 I just happened upon these two and now I want to go find more :)


Another Trip to DC

Suzanne Came to Visit!

The Highline

Grand Central Station

Futuristic lady at the pharmacy:

Biking the Brooklyn Bridge

Maria came to visit Trish & the 3 of us biked from Midtown across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a lot of fun. 

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